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Implementation and Testing
Implementation and Testing
Criteria Ratings Pts
The extent to which all requested aspects of the assignment are accounted for.
threshold: pts
3 Pts
Full marks
Everything asked for in the assignment is delivered.
0 Pts
No marks
Some of the deliverables, as requested by the assignment description, are missing.
3 pts
Working Software
The produced artefacts work or will lead to a working system.
threshold: pts
3 Pts
Full marks
All produced artefacts work as intended. All relevant requirements are accounted for.
2 Pts
Meets Expectations
Most produced artefacts work as intended, only a few of little importance to the overall system do not work fully. Most relevant requirements are accounted for,
1 Pts
Falls Somewhat Short
Some of the produced artefacts of lesser significance do not work as intended.
0 Pts
No marks
Many of the produced artefacts do not work. Many significant requirements are not implemented.
3 pts
Adherence to Design
The extent to which the produced software artefacts implement the given software design.
threshold: pts
5 Pts
Full marks
There is a clear and complete mapping between the design and the implementation.
4 Pts
3 Pts
Meets Expectations
There is a clear mapping between the most of the design and the most of the implementation.
2 Pts
0 Pts
No marks
There are obvious gaps in the implementation where the design is not implemented as described.
5 pts
Total points: 11 out of 11