Implementation (Interact with Object, Interact with Character)
- Due 18 Mar 2022 by 14:00
- Points 11
- Submitting a website url or a file upload
The following pages may be of use in this assignment:
- Assignment Input: System Description
- Assignment Input: Domain Model
- Assignment Input: Detailed Use Case (Interact with Object) + System Sequence Diagram
- Assignment Input: Detailed Use Case (Interact with Character) + System Sequence Diagram
- Assignment Input: Class Diagram (Interact with Object)
- Assignment Input: Interaction Diagrams (Interact with Character)
- Module: Quality Assurance
- Module: Implementation and Testing
Implement an MVP where you have the following scenes:
- start Scene
- Inventory
and at least one GameObject in each of these scenes. (it is ok if these scenes and the gameobjects are hard coded using the classes and methods as designed)
A text-based interface is sufficient for this assignment, but everything related to the user interface (e.g. input/output) should be done in one clearly separated module that interfaces the classes and objects from your class diagrams and interaction diagrams.
Note that you are expected to implement two use cases; Interact with Object and Interact with Character. You should be able to re-use the implementation you did for the Unit Tests for Use Case (Interact with Object) assignment.
You may use the design documents (e.g. interaction diagrams and class diagrams) provided in the course as input OR you may use your own improved (refactored) design. Please mark clearly which design documents you use. If you use your own improved design, please include these in your submission.
Your implementation is expected to mostly follow your design (class diagrams, interaction diagrams). Some re-naming of methods and changes to the parameter lists is ok, but any major deviations MUST be documented and explained. When asked, you are expected to be able to show the implementation of a method/class from the interaction diagrams and class diagrams. Vice versa, when asked, you are expected to be able to show in which interaction diagrams a particular class in your implementation is used.
Note: We expect you to demo your implementation in person (see separate assignment to book times for this).
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
The extent to which all requested aspects of the assignment are accounted for.
Working Software
The produced artefacts work or will lead to a working system.
Adherence to Design
The extent to which the produced software artefacts implement the given software design.
Total points:
out of 11